March 13, 2016

Love that will not let me go

Passage: Isaiah 43:16-21
Service Type:

Bible Text: Isaiah 43:16-21 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Okai

Today as we move closer to the week of the passion, we will be talking about how meaningful God’s love toward us is. From our old testament reading today want to look at three things which ought to encourage us in his love. It is always my prayer that you are blessed and encouraged.

 Introductory notes…

 He Romanticizes the past:  Isaiah 43:16-17

A.  Israel’s Captivity…

B.  God declares ownership of Israel…

C.  To those who are held captive today… 

He renounces the past:  Isaiah 43:18

A.  How does God romanticize and renounce the past at the same time?

B.  The context of the text…

C.  Quit dwelling in the past… 

He rejoices in the future:  Isaiah 43:19

A.  See: pay close attention

B.  God is doing something new

C.  This week of Lent