Bible Text: Luke 24:13–35 Sermon prepared by the Holy Spirit & Pastor Andrew T. Okai Third Sunday of Easter April 30, 2017 Sermon text:  Luke 24:13–35 Sermon theme: On the road…
Bible Text: Matthew 28:1–10 Sermon prepared by the Holy Spirit & Pastor Andrew T. Okai Easter—April 16, 2017 Sermon text: Matthew 28:1–10 Sermon theme: Revealing the Risen Savior  INTRODUCTION…
Bible Text: John 11:1–45 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Okai Sermon prepared by the Holy Spirit & Pastor Andrew T. Okai Fifth Sunday in Lent April 2, 2017 Sermon text: John 11:1–45…
Bible Text: John 9:1–7 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Okai Sermon prepared by the Holy Spirit & Pastor Andrew T. Okai Fourth Sunday in Lent March 26, 2017 Sermon text: John 9:1-7…
Bible Text: John: 4:1–26 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Okai Sermon prepared by the Holy Spirit & Pastor Andrew T. Okai Third Sunday in Lent March 19, 2017 Sermon text: John 4:1–26…
Bible Text: John 3:1–6 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Okai Sermon prepared by the Holy Spirit & Pastor Andrew T. Okai 2nd Sunday in Lent March 12, 2017  Sermon text:…
Bible Text: Genesis 3:1–21; Matthew 4:1–11 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Okai Sermon prepared by the Holy Spirit and Pastor Andrew Okai 1st Sunday in Lent March 5, 2017  Sermon…
Bible Text: Matthew 17:1–9 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Okai Sermon prepared by the Holy Spirit and Pastor Andrew T. Okai The Transfiguration of Our Lord February 26, 2017 Sermon text:…
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 3:10–23 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Okai Sermon prepared by the Holy Spirit & Pastor Andrew T. Okai 7th Sunday after Epiphany February 19, 2017 Sermon text:…